Why, oh, why is it sooooooo hard to wake up in the morning? I am not just talking about having to get out of my nice warm, comfy bed, NO for me it continues on to when I am walking around the house. If I were to stand still too long I would instantly fall asleep. My eyes are only half open and my mind keeps tempting me to lay down saying "If you just lay on the couch you would be so much happier", "If you sit down on that chair and rest your head you would feel so much better."
So unfair! And as a new convert my brain even says "What's wrong with coffee? The rest of the world drinks it. You know you would be a much happier and energetic (=better mommy) if you would just have a cup of coffee!" But as a Mormon I choose to be obedient to the teachings of our Prophet. He took issues to Jesus and Jesus answered him by saying all that is in the Word of Wisdom. I don't have to understand why, I just need to obey. And I have to admit it is easier to obey since Jesus told Joseph Smith that they were not to use tobacco because it would hurt their bodies; way before Doctors knew that it was harmful. But none the less I am obeying.
But I am sooo tired! I have always been a night owl but now that I have children that are morning birds I have to change. I wish I could just jump out of bed and sing with the birds like Cinderella or Snow white but I am more like their wicked step mothers.
So what am I going to do about it???? I really dislike when people just complain and don't have a plan so I will give my self a plan and hope it is the solution. I will make sure I wake up at 6:00am every morning for a month. I will make time to read my scriptures before the kids get up. I will have atleast one chore done before the kids get up and/or I will have a breakfast (that includes more then cereal to it) ready for them when they wake up. I will blog about it once a week.
Okay so there you have it. My get out of bed and stay out of bed plan! I will report back in a soon with how things are going.