Monday, September 15, 2008
God Rocks!!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
How Precious is a Child's Prayer
Not too long after that it was prayer time and Emily and Faith Anne both said they wanted to go first. I told Faith Anne that since it is Emily's birthday why don't we let her go first. With that Faith Anne got really mad, her face turned red and she said mommy I feel that lizard (Satan) tempting me. Then she says with determination "Satan I refuse you. I will not be tempted by you. God is my King not you. I refuse you in the name of Jesus Christ. " I was so proud of her, she got it! She really understood what it felt to be tempted and with out having to remind her what to do she rebuked, refused he he, him.
So then she told Emily okay and Emily prayed, then normally Faith Anne would pray and then I would close the prayer but she informed me that she wanted to end the prayer. So I prayed and then Faith Anne starts her prayer by saying "Lord, I lift up Satan to you and ask you to help him be a good angel again."
How precious is that!!!!!!! I truly believe if someone could turn Satan to good again it would be her. And why don't we ever pray for Satan?
Okay so tonight's prayer.... Emily's turn..... she says"Dear Lord, thank you for my God book."
How cute!!!!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Playing with Church Friends.
Faith Anne's First Soccer Game
The Warriors - Kiara, Riggs, Faith Anne, Colby, Rider, Liberty ,? and Coach Jill.
Go Team!
Our Cutie Patootie.
Faith Anne did really good. The team they played against had all played the year before except for a couple of them and they only put them in at the end. When the game started they hadn't told the kids on our team where the goal was. So Faith Anne made the first goal BUT it was in the wrong goal. Oh well she still made an awesome shot and she was fearless through the game. She was never afraid to get in there and try to get the ball away from the other team . She also runs fast and keeps the ball close to her. Her friend Colby also did really good. I am really excited to see how the do through the season.
Faith Anne's First Day of School

Happy 33 Mommy!!!!

Tyler enjoying the frosting.
Girls First Dance Class
Soccer Practices